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Today we will look at animal pictures to determine how their bodies are built to find and eat their food.

Frogs are certainly swell little animals! They sit around and say "ribbit," they hop around playing "leap-frog," they sit quietly and wait for an insect to come close and ZOT!
their long, sticky tongue goes out and grabs it.

Aardvarks eat ants. They have this long, skinny nose for poking into ant hills, and a long, sticky tongue for catching the ants. Yuck!

Cows have big, wide mouths with short, flat front teeth, for biting off clumps of grass, and huge molars so they can chew their grass again and again.

The big cats, like lions, tigers, cheetahs, and panthers have small (for their body size) paws with soft pads and claws like razor blades, on strong, sturdy legs. They can run fast, climb trees, and hold their prey with their claws. They have long, sharp fangs for tearing their food, and wide molars for chewing it.

Giraffes have long necks so they can reach the tender leaves at the tops of trees. I marvel at giraffes, because once, I tried to swallow water while bent at the hips so my upper body was upside down. The water came out my nose and I nearly choked to death. Giraffes have to swallow water
"uphill" a very great distance!

Most monkeys have prehensile tails (that means their tails have muscles that can hold onto things), prehensile feet, and long (for their body size) arms. These equip them for swinging around in trees to find fruit. They can sit on a branch with their toes holding on, their tails wrapped around another nearby branch for balance, hold their fruit with their hands, and using their hands and teeth, peel the fruit before eating it! That's quite wondrous!

Bees, of course, have "grocery bags" called "sacs" on their legs for carrying pollen back to the hive to share with the other bees. They also have stingers to use against anyone or anything that tries to interfere with their work.

Let's look for more fun information about animals. Each student could learn about two different animals, and make oral reports.

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